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Assessing Sources of Dizziness


Dizziness can manifest itself in a number of forms. Rather than having a single cause, dizziness can arise in several ways and treatment depends on the source of dizziness.


This condition can emerge when a person experiences a sudden change in the ear and brain’s components that determine balance. A variety of conditions can lead to vertigo which can have very significant symptoms for the person experiencing it. Vertigo-related dizziness can lead to serious nausea and vomiting and the person may be unable to sit up or move comfortably. Vertigo can be a debilitating condition as it can immobilise an individual for up to a few hours as the symptoms subside.


In some cases, dizziness can lead to feelings of faintness. Nausea and sweating can accompany this feeling, which usually arises from issues related to circulation. A drop in blood pressure can cause a person to feel light headed, or the problem may be a more serious condition related to the heart’s ability to pump blood properly. Standing up quickly or exerting oneself at a high level can cause faintness, but those experiencing this form of dizziness should consult their physician if it arises at abnormal times, as it can indicate an abnormal heart beat or other serious issues.

Loss of Balance

Inner ear problems frequently lead to difficult walking. The auditory tubes help to send messages to the brain regarding an individual’s balance, and when those tubes are damaged, balance is negatively affected. A number of other issues can also affect loss of balance, including several neurological and sensory disorders. Loss of balance can also arise as a result of bone and joint issues and tends to become more significant as an individual grows older.


Treatment will largely depend on the specific causes of the dizziness.

When an individual is suffering from dizziness, it is important that they take the proper safety precautions before engaging in any significant activities. Those experiencing vertigo should be especially careful after an episode as movement can heighten the severity of the symptoms. In case of dizziness, individuals should avoid driving or going long distances, as these can result in more serious damage.

Eye movement tests are generally used for assessing the sources of dizziness. Doctors may also include a caloric test, which involves the use of warm and cold water placed into the ear canal in order to observe changes in the eyes’ movement.

If you would like to make an appointment with our ENT surgeon Dr. Michael Barakate, please contact the ENT Clinic Sydney on 1300 123 368.

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