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Ear Pinning Surgery – Otoplasty

Why people have ear plastic surgery

Ear plastic surgery is also known as:

Protruding and drooping ears or torn earlobes can be surgically corrected. Exceptionally large ears or those that stick out make children vulnerable to teasing. These procedures do not alter the patient’s hearing, but they may improve appearance and self-confidence.

What Is Involved in “Pinning Back” the Ears

How long does ear pinning take?

Typically otoplasty surgery takes about two hours. The surgery begins with an incision behind the ear, in the fold where the ear joins the head. The surgeon may remove skin and cartilage or trim and reshape the cartilage. In addition to correcting protrusion, ears may also be reshaped, reduced in size, or made more symmetrical. The cartilage is then secured in the new position with permanent stitches which will anchor the ear while healing occurs. The soft dressings over the ears will be used for a few weeks as protection, and the patient usually experiences only mild discomfort. Headbands are sometimes recommended to hold the ears in place for a month following surgery or may be prescribed for nighttime wear only.

From what age can otoplasty be performed?

Can Ear Deformities Be Corrected?

What can be done for severe ear deformity?

What can be done for torn earlobes?

Ear pinning by an ENT – head and neck surgeon

If you have questions about ear pinning surgery, contact your local doctor who will arrange for you to see an ear nose throat specialist.

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