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Information about throat health problems

Acid Reflux

In adults and children, irritating acidic juices may back up from the stomach into the oesophagus and throat. This is frequently called gastro oesophageal reflux disease or GORD.  Acid reflux disease is caused by stomach acid coming up from the stomach into the oesophagus.


Bad Breath

Halitosis – also known as bad breath is a common condition caused by sulphur-producing bacteria that live within the surface of the tongue, tonsils and in the throat. Causes include poor oral hygiene, sinus infections, tonsillitis, certain foods, smoking and other medical disorders.


Cold Sores and Aphthous Ulcers

Cold sores are a skin infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are usually painful; pain may precede the appearance of the lesion by a few days. The blisters rupture within hours, then crust over.


Dysphagia – problems eating and swallowing

Difficulty with eating and drinking, also known as dysphagia is common among all age groups, especially the elderly. This may be caused by many factors, most of which are temporary and not threatening.


Head and Neck

Head and neck surgery procedures that an Otolaryngologist performs include neck dissection, surgery for neck lumps, parotid surgery, submandibular gland surgery and procedures for thryoid and parathyroid.


Larynx Cancer

Laryngeal cancer may also be called cancer of the larynx or laryngeal carcinoma. Larynx (voice box) cancer is a type of throat cancer – it is not as well known by the general public as some other types of cancer, yet it is not a rare disease.


Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is surgery using a laser (instead of a scalpel) to cut tissue. Laser surgery for throat problems offers people a better quality of life, including improved preservation of voice function and the ability to eat and drink.


Mouth Ulcers

A mouth ulcer is the loss of part of the delicate tissue lining inside the mouth (mucous membrane). The most common cause is injury such as biting your cheek. Other causes include certain drugs, chemicals and infectious diseases such as herpes or thrush.



Mouthwash or mouth rinse is a liquid used to enhance oral hygiene.A mouthwash may be recommended to treat infection, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, reduce bad breath or to deliver fluoride locally for caries prevention.


Sore Throat

A sore throat (or throat pain) is pain or irritation of the throat. A common symptom, it is usually caused by acute pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat). Sore throat may also be due to tonsillitis. Associated symptoms may include; fever, headache,  joint pain and muscle aches, skin rashes, and swollen lymph glands in the neck.


Throat Cancer

Symptoms that suggest the possibility of throat cancer include a lump in the neck, hoarseness for 2 weeks or more, pain in the ear, pain in the throat while eating and drinking or difficulty with eating and drinking.


Throat Surgery

Throat surgery procedures that are performed by an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist include tonsillectomy – surgery to remove the tonsils, thyroplasty – surgery for vocal cord palsy, and surgery for vocal cord nodules – laser laryngeal surgery.



The thyroid gland is a soft, butterfly shaped gland that lies wrapped around the windpipe below the larynx. The normal gland is a small gland that wraps around the trachea or windpipe. The job of the thyroid is to convert iodine from the diet into thyroid hormones which help regulate metabolism.



Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils – glands at the back of the throat, visible through the mouth. The inflammation may involve other areas of the back of the throat, including the adenoids and the lingual tonsils – tonsil tissue at the back of the tongue.


Voice Change

Voice change or hoarseness refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak. Abnormal changes in the voice are called hoarseness. When hoarse, the voice may sound breathy, raspy, strained, or show changes in volume or pitch.


Voice Problems

The most common causes of hoarseness, vocal difficulties and voice problems are outlined here. If you become hoarse frequently or notice voice change for an extended period of time, please see your ENT specialist for an evaluation.


If you have questions about throat problems contact your doctor, who will arrange for you to see your Ear Nose and Throat Specialist.

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