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Neck Dissection

Neck Dissection Surgery

Common types of neck dissection surgery

Modified Radical Neck Dissection (MRND)

Selective Neck Dissection (SND)

Central compartment neck dissection

After neck dissection surgery



Surgery involves disrupting some of the muscles and nerves that help your shoulder move – because of this your shoulder may be weaker


Watch for and report to your doctor:

Neck pain

Neck dissection recovery

Exercise after neck dissection

Do these exercises sitting in a chair

Do these exercises standing

Put both hands on a wall at shoulder height – start with your elbows bent – push away from the wall straightening your elbows and rounding your back – hold, count to 5, relax and repeat

While standing arm length away from a wall:

Do this exercise lying on you back

DO NOT carry heavy objects that pull down the arm on the side of your surgery
DO use your arm on the side of your surgery normally for everyday activities
Walk with your shoulders back, head up and your shoulders level

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