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What Does a Nose Specialist Treat?

ENT Specialit Treatments

A nose specialist, also known as an ENT specialist, specializes in conditions and disorders related to the nasal area. This may include sinusitis, allergies, a deviated septum, nasal polyps, nasal obstruction, and smell disorders. A nose specialist may also perform rhinoplasty, which is a form of plastic surgery used to correct or reconstruct the function, form, or aesthetics of a nose.

Sinusitis is one of the most common reasons that people seek the help of a nose specialist. Chronic sinusitis lasts at least 12 weeks, and often longer despite attempting a variety of treatments. The sinuses become swollen and inflamed, which may be caused by an infection, a deviated septum, or nasal polyps. Signs and symptoms of sinusitis include congestion that makes it difficult to breathe through your nose; thick discharge from the nose or that drains down the back of the throat; diminished taste and smell; and pain or swelling around the nose, eyes, forehead or cheeks. You may also experience a sore throat, ear pain, nausea, bad breath, fatigue, a cough that gets worse at night, and/or pain in your upper jaw.

ENT specialists also treat conditions and disorders relating to the ears, throat, head and neck. The following conditions can be properly diagnosed and treated by an ENT doctor:

To see our ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Michael Barakate about any ENT concerns you may have, please contact us today to book a consultation at ENT Clinic Sydney, phone 1300 123 368.

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