Acid Reflux Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GER), or acid reflux, is a condition in which stomach acid flows backwards into the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. Normally, the muscle located at the bottom of the esophagus—the lower esophageal sphincter—closes off properly after food and liquids pass so that […]
Archives for December 2012
Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease and When to See an ENT Specialist
About Acid Reflux Acid reflux disease is a condition in which acid backs up from the stomach causing the esophagus to become inflamed or irritated. Normally, the stomach valve, known as the lower esophageal sphincter, prevents stomach acid from backing up. However, if this stomach valve opens too often or does not close all the […]
Do You Have Tinnitus?
Tinnitus Symptoms If you’ve been noticing a ringing, buzzing or other annoying sound that comes and goes, or is present at all times, you may have tinnitus. In some cases, people hear a slight ringing in their ear after attending a loud concert. However, if the sounds persist for more than a week, it is […]
An Introduction to Endoscopic Surgery for Treating Sinusitis
About Endoscopic Surgery Sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed due to bacteria, viral or fungal infection. Your sinuses are air-filled spaces that are located in various parts of the skull including behind the nasal bones, the forehead, the eyes and the cheeks. These spaces are lined with mucous membranes that should be […]
When Surgery is Necessary for Chronic Sinus Congestion
Causes Sinus Congestion Most of us deal with sinus congestion from time to time. Common cold and allergies can cause us to feel miserable for a few days. When congestion and a runny nose become an ongoing, daily occurrence, the experience can interfere with a person’s overall quality of life. If you suffer from chronic […]
When is Sinus Surgery Necessary?
About Sinus Surgery Most of us experience cold-like symptoms at least a few times in our lives. However, when these symptoms last for more than a few weeks, there is a chance that you have developed sinusitis, which is the inflammation of the tissue that lines your sinuses. When these tissues swell, fluid buildup can […]
When is an Adenoidectomy (Adenoid Removal) Necessary?
Adenoidectomy We’ve all heard of children having their tonsils removed. Adenoids are another form of spongy tissue that helps protect young children against infection. As we grow up, we become less dependent on the tonsils and adenoids for fighting off infection as our bodies develop other, more effective ways of warding off infection. By the […]
When is Adenoid Removal Necessary?
Adenoids are two masses of tissue that are located in the upper portion of the throat behind the nose. Also known as pharyngeal tonsils, adenoids are not as easy to see as tonsils are. ENT specialists use mirrors, scopes or, in some cases, x-rays in order to examine these sponge-like tissues. In children, the adenoids […]
What Causes Children to Snore?
Snoring Children Most children will snore from time to time, especially if they are suffering from the common cold or similar symptoms. Snoring in children becomes a problem when it becomes habitual. In other words, when a child snores at least 3-4 times each week, parents should take notice and seek an ENT specialist for […]
Tips for Treating Blocked Ears
Blocked Ears ENT specialists in Sydney often see patients whose ears feel blocked. Your Eustachian tubes are a specialised system that connects the middle ears to the back of your throat. The proper function of these tubes is essential for draining fluid and ensuring that proper air pressure in the ear is maintained. If you’ve […]
Tinnitus Treatment May Reduce or Eliminate Phantom Sounds
What is Tinnitus? According to the Mayo clinic, tinnitus is a common problem that affects approximately 1 in 5 people. It is defined as a ringing sound in the ears that is not caused by an outside source. In most cases, tinnitus isn’t serious, although the noises can worsen with age. Tinnitus in itself is […]