The neck carries the vital arteries transmitting blood to the brain, head and face. It also transmits the veins which drain the deoxygenated blood from the brain, head and face and return it to the right side of the heart. The neck also contains the cervical spinal cord, as well as some important cranial nerves. […]
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy – How To Prepare Your Child
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy for Children ENT specialists commonly see children for issues regarding their throat or tonsils. Often if a child’s tonsils are chronically infected, a tonsillectomy would be recommended. In addition, many children will require the removal of the adenoids – which improves breathing through the nose. In these instances, where the tonsils and adenoids are removed in […]
Diagnosis and Prognosis for a Blocked Salivary Gland
Blocked Salivary Glands The salivary glands, when operating optimally, produce about a litre of saliva each day. This liquid helps to remove bacteria from the mouth, aid in digestion and keep the throat and oesophagus moist. A blocked salivary gland, however, can cause serious problems. Symptoms of Blocked Salivary Glands The salivary glands throughout the […]
Can you retrain your taste buds?
By Dr Michael Barakate and Dietitian Belinda Elwin If you have a weakness for unhealthy foods, a distaste to vegetables (think Broccoli!), but a desire to eat better, it’s worth knowing that your palate isn’t fixed. In fact your tastebuds are actually trainable – which can be great news for your health. How do we experience taste and what role […]
Quinsy Throat Infection
What is Quinsy? Quinsy is also known as a peritonsillar abscess, which is a collection of pus that forms between the tonsil and the wall of the throat. It is caused primarily by infection with streptococcus bacteria. Quinsy is often a complication of untreated tonsillitis and is a common and painful condition. However, with the […]
Cure Snoring
About curing snoring Many couples that begin their relationships prefer to sleep in the same bed as each other and wake up next to the person they love. Couples who do this frequently even tend to score higher on many of the relationship evaluation tests that psychologists use in their studies. However, one thing that is sure […]
Managing a Sore Throat
By Nurse Alexandra Matkevich There are so many wonderful things to love about winter, but a cold and flu’s are certainly not one of them. Though you can get a cold or flu at any time of year, winter seems to be the time of year when it peaks. Sore throats are one of the […]
Bony Anatomy of the Neck
About the neck Anatomically, the neck is the region between the base of the skull and the clavicles (collar bones) that connects the head to the trunk. It contains several important blood vessels, nerves and organs. The neck also has a number of muscles and bones which help to support and protect these structures. The […]
Stop Snoring
How to Effectively Stop Snoring Snoring can be a tremendous problem, especially for those living with a partner who is a light sleeper. Partners of snorers typically report a decrease in their quality of life due to the amount and quality of sleep they are receiving during the night. Additionally, while some partners are driven to […]
The Tonsils
The tonsils are lymphatic tissue in the back of the throat above and below the tongue. The tonsils are relatively small in the first year of a baby’s life and increase in size as a child grows older. They are usually at their largest between the ages of four and seven years. As part of […]
Tonsillitis and Rheumatic Fever
About Tonsillitis and Rheumatic Fever Rheumatic fever is a disease that can occur following bacterial infection with Group A Streptococcus. Predisposing infections also include strep throat tonsillitis and skin infections, such as impetigo (caused by Streptococcus pyogenes). Overall, rheumatic fever is rare in Australia; however, the rate of rheumatic fever amongst Indigenous Australians is much […]