Ear Nose and Throat Health Problems
About ear health problems. Common ear problems include ear infection, ear drum perforation, otitis media, glue ear, ear wax, swimmer’s ear and tinnitus. Generally, ear problems are caused by an infection. However, other conditions may be the cause of ear pain or discomfort. Find out more about the ear.
Information about the nose. Your nose also contains the nerve cells that help your sense of smell. When there is a problem with your nose, your whole body can suffer. Common causes of nasal obstruction include a deviated nasal septum, turbinate enlargement and nasal polyps.
About the throat and throat health problems. Throat problems are common. You’ve probably had a sore throat. The cause is usually a viral infection, but other causes include allergies, infection with strep bacteria or acid reflux. Other problems that affect the throat include tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
Thyroid and Parathyroid
About the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are endocrine glands located in the neck. Thyroid conditions are common in Australia. Fortunately once diagnosed they respond well to treatment. Find out about thyroid and parathyroid gland symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
If you have questions or concerns about ear nose and throat health problems contact your local doctor, who will arrange for you to see an ear nose and throat specialist.