How to Effectively Stop Snoring
Snoring can be a tremendous problem, especially for those living with a partner who is a light sleeper. Partners of snorers typically report a decrease in their quality of life due to the amount and quality of sleep they are receiving during the night. Additionally, while some partners are driven to the extreme lengths of sleeping in different bedrooms, this remains unfavourable for most people and other options are sought. In turn, one of the most effective options to provide your partner with an opportunity for their own peaceful rest is to consider treatment for a snoring problem. Surgical procedures offer a very high satisfaction rating and enable those suffering from snoring to enjoy the benefits of the procedure for the rest of their lives.
Treatment for snoring
Once a couple has made up their mind for one, or both, of them to receive surgery to help with their snoring problem, the next step is to receive a consultation with a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient’s nose, throat and mouth and check for any issues that might require surgical intervention. Then, if the surgeon determines the patient would likely benefit from a procedure, they will fully discuss the different options with the individual. These options begin with tonsil removal for someone who is a light snorer. These individuals have some reverberation from the tonsils within the throat, producing a sound when air circulates in and out of the oesophagus during rest.
However, for patients suffering from excessive snoring, the typical surgical procedure includes removing tissue from the throat, commonly referred to in the medical community as UPPP. For starters, snoring is caused by the contraction of the throat walls that creates a vibration in the soft palate, and this is where the problem is most easily headed off. The UPPP surgery removes some of the excess throat tissue so there is a larger gap for air to pass through unobstructed without creating a soft palate vibration and the ensuing snoring sounds. Once the surgery is complete, the patient is afforded some additional recovery time before being allowed to return home. Consequently, there are scheduled check-up times to follow the patient’s recovery and ensure everything is healing well.
Overall, choosing to stop snoring with a surgical intervention is an effective and long-term solution for the problem. Not only will you sleep better yourself, but your partner will also be well rested and happy.
If you have questions about how to stop snoring make an appointment to see our ear nose and throat specialist.
For more information about snoring click here.