Acid Reflux Diet – Dietary changes to help ease acid reflux symptoms
Follow a Reflux Diet to Reduce Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders
Reflux, also known as heartburn or indigestion, can cause a number of ear, nose and throat disorders including difficulty swallowing, chronic coughing, hoarse voice, wheezing, and even choking.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you will be able to get back on track to health by visiting an ENT specialist in Sydney.
Many people who suffer from throat reflux are able to find at least some relief through a reflux diet.
There are certain kinds of foods that can aggravate the disorder and other types of foods that tend to have little potential for causing indigestion.
Ask your ENT doctor for a customized reflux diet plan and other forms of treatment that will ensure long-term results. The following list will help you get started.
Foods that may reduce your acid reflux symptoms include:
- Bananas and apples (including fresh and dried apples, and apple juice)
- Vegetables including carrots, peas, baked potatoes, and green beans
- Grains including multi-grain or white bread, whole grain crackers, rice cakes, or corn bread
- Beverages such as water or mineral water
- Meat products and other proteins such as extra-lean ground beef, skinless chicken breast, low-fat fish, and egg whites
Change your diet to help ease acid reflux symptoms
Since everyone’s bodies react differently to various types of foods, it is important to find out what type of acid reflux diet works best for you.
Stick with the same diet for a few weeks while writing down what you eat on a daily basis. Make adjustments to your diet as you discover what works best for you.
In addition, be sure to follow the treatment plan of a throat reflux specialist in Sydney. Reflux medication and other forms of treatment may be necessary depending on your unique health needs.
Changing your dietary habits and following the treatment plan advised by your ENT specialist is likely to improve the quality of your life.