Ear grommet care (middle ear ventilation tubes)
- Ear grommets are tiny tubes placed in the eardrum to allow ventilation of the middle ear
- Ear grommets prevent the accumulation of fluid and infection in the middle ear
- Hearing should be restored and earache relieved after grommet placement
- While the ear grommets are in place it is hoped the natural passage -the Eustachian tube (passage between the middle ear and nasopharynx) will open and naturally ventilate the middle ear
- Ear grommet care will ensure the grommets and ears work well
Swimming with ear grommets
- To keep water out of the ears whilst swimming a silicone swim cap is helpful – especially whilst swimming at public pools
- Water that is not clean can cause ear infections in patients with grommets – so it is best to keep the ears dry
- However, clean water from showers usually does not lead to any problems for patients with grommets
Click here to learn more about ear grommets and water
Ear plugs
- A silicone swim cap is usually adequate to keep water out of the ears while swimming at public pools
- Earplugs can also be helpful including large blobs of Blu-Tack, custom made earplugs (ask your audiologist) or cotton balls smeared in Vaseline – a swim cap may be helpful to keep earplugs in place
- Do not use plugs made of waxy materials which may crumble and roll into the ear canal
Discharge from ear grommets
- Discharge is common for the first few days after surgery
- However, if this does not settle visit your doctor who will arrange to contact your ENT specialist
- Eardrops may be required and will be prescribed as needed
- Your child will not be aware of the grommet tubes in the ears
- Occasionally fluid drains for the first few days but should settle with eardrops
- If your child protests, ward the bottle of ear drops to body temperature by placing the bottle in your pocket before use
- Giving your child candy whilst they receive the eardrops may help as they may be able to taste the drops as they travel through to the throat
How long do ear grommets stay in place?
- On average standard ear grommets remain in the eardrum for around 8 months although this ranges from 3 to 24 months
- Eventually the grommet will drop out of the eardrum in the wax
- The hole in the eardrum heals spontaneously in almost all cases
Follow-up after ear grommet surgery
Generally follow-up for ear grommets will consist of:
- A visit at 2 to 3 weeks for an ear check and again every 3 months for a hearing test and ear check until the grommets fall out
- After one set of grommets 80% of children have no further problem though the remaining 20% will need a second or more set because of the ongoing Eustachian tube problem
- If you have any questions about ear grommet care contact your doctor or your ear doctor in Sydney