An ENT specialist is one who dedicates himself or herself to the study of all things ear, nose and throat. They are specialised in diagnosing and treating all sorts of diseases and ailments of these parts of the body. A more specific type of ENT specialist is a paediatric ENT. These physicians are experts on the same exact topics, except in children rather than adults.
Children versus Adults
There are many differences in the anatomy and physiology of children that make it necessary to treat them separately from adults. For example, kids are obviously a lot smaller than most grown ups, meaning a majority of their organs and body parts are not fully developed yet. Children also have different reactions to medications and treatments than adults have.
Why It Matters
Say an adult male was in need of a tonsillectomy. The doctors have a specific protocol they must follow for this type of surgery. They might have to put the man to sleep using a heavy dose of general anaesthesia. If these doctors were to try and use the exact same dose and type of anaesthesia on a young child or baby, they could be putting that child at risk for all kinds of complications. This is why it is very important for doctors to know the difference between what an adult can handle and what a child can handle.
Likewise, an ENT specialist who usually works on adults and then suddenly has to work with a young kid may not know exactly what to do. If this doctor is asked to perform surgery on the child’s broken nose, but he or she is not accustomed to the smaller, more fragile, and underdeveloped bones in the child’s nose, there could be some major problems. For that reason, paediatric ENTs are an absolute necessity.
Weighing the Costs and Benefits
Thankfully, these types of specialists can be found without a whole lot of effort. There are many children’s ENTs in locations all over the world, and they are always willing and able to help. After all, it is their job. However, as with all other kinds of medical professionals, their services are not cheap.
An average visit to a paediatric ENT specialist can range anywhere between a couple of hundred dollars to several thousand dollars depending on the length of time, the location, and the severity of the problem. However, if the issues are severe enough, money should be the last concern, and medical attention should be a number one priority.
To book a consultation to assess your child and their ear, nose or throat complication, please contact ENT Clinic Sydney on 1300 123 368.