Causes of Breathing Difficulty During Sleep or When Lying Down Breathing difficulty while sleeping or when lying down can be caused by a variety of conditions. Symptoms can range from subtle to severe. For instance, you may notice that you sleep better when you lie down with your head propped up under several pillows. Others […]
After Your Tonsillectomy
What To Do After Tonsillectomy Many adults and many children have a tonsillectomy to avoid the problems of chronic tonsillitis. If you will be undergoing the procedure or your child will be, you may be wondering what you should expect during recovery. Many people worry about the recovery time frame and they worry that it may […]
Adenoidectomy Alleviates Obstruction of the Airway Most of us have heard of tonsillectomies, and probably know many people who have had their tonsils removed as children. An adenoidectomy—the surgical removal of the adenoids—is sometimes performed along with a tonsillectomy. However, the tonsils and adenoids are looked at separately by today’s ENT specialists to determine the […]
About Your Parotid Glands
Parotid Glands The parotid gland is the largest of the salivary glands in the human body. There are actually two of them, and when one or both of them becomes inflamed, that condition is known as parotitis. Parotitis is most commonly caused by the mumps, but since mumps is now so widely vaccinated against, instances […]
Obstruction of the Airway
Adenoidectomy Alleviates Obstruction of the Airway Most of us have heard of tonsillectomies, and probably know many people who have had their tonsils removed as children. An adenoidectomy—the surgical removal of the adenoids—is sometimes performed along with a tonsillectomy. However, the tonsils and adenoids are looked at separately by today’s ENT specialists to determine the […]
Sleep Apnea
A Look at Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is very common. In fact, some people have sleep apnea and don’t even realize it. If you feel tired a lot during the daytime despite getting eight hours of sleep per night, you should definitely talk to a doctor. What happens when you have sleep apnea is that […]
Viral and Bacterial Throat Infections
Causes and Treatment Methods Viral illnesses and bacterial infections may lead to a throat infection (pharyngitis). While most throat infections will last no longer than a week or two, some throat infections can lead to more serious complications if they are left untreated. This is especially true in children, since young children have less developed […]
Symptoms of Acid Reflux in Children
Acid Reflux Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GER), or acid reflux, is a condition in which stomach acid flows backwards into the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. Normally, the muscle located at the bottom of the esophagus—the lower esophageal sphincter—closes off properly after food and liquids pass so that […]
Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease and When to See an ENT Specialist
About Acid Reflux Acid reflux disease is a condition in which acid backs up from the stomach causing the esophagus to become inflamed or irritated. Normally, the stomach valve, known as the lower esophageal sphincter, prevents stomach acid from backing up. However, if this stomach valve opens too often or does not close all the […]
When is an Adenoidectomy (Adenoid Removal) Necessary?
Adenoidectomy We’ve all heard of children having their tonsils removed. Adenoids are another form of spongy tissue that helps protect young children against infection. As we grow up, we become less dependent on the tonsils and adenoids for fighting off infection as our bodies develop other, more effective ways of warding off infection. By the […]
When is Adenoid Removal Necessary?
Adenoids are two masses of tissue that are located in the upper portion of the throat behind the nose. Also known as pharyngeal tonsils, adenoids are not as easy to see as tonsils are. ENT specialists use mirrors, scopes or, in some cases, x-rays in order to examine these sponge-like tissues. In children, the adenoids […]