An ENT specialist is one who dedicates himself or herself to the study of all things ear, nose and throat. They are specialised in diagnosing and treating all sorts of diseases and ailments of these parts of the body. A more specific type of ENT specialist is a paediatric ENT. These physicians are experts on […]
Symptoms and Treatment for Facial Nerve Damage
About Facial Nerves Facial nerve damage refers to a condition where the muscles that are controlled by the facial nerves no longer respond. This causes the person to not be able to move their face. Facial nerve damage can lead to partial or total paralysis of the face and can be upsetting for the person experiencing […]
Dealing With Hearing Loss
Hearing loss As we age, it is not uncommon for us to lose some of our hearing. Perhaps you are having a more difficult time hearing than you used to. You have to have the television or radio turned up higher than normal. People sound unclear, like they’re slurring, or sometimes you didn’t hear what […]
Different Causes of Dizziness
Causes of Dizziness Many of us can remember spinning around and around as young kids trying to purposefully make ourselves so dizzy we would fall down. This same feeling of dizziness can occur as adults for a number of different reasons. Some of these reasons can signify illnesses while others can be caused by imbalances […]
Ear Infection in Adults
Ear Infection Differences While infant and child ear infections are a fairly common occurrence, adult ear infections do not occur nearly as frequently. This is because children are more susceptible to ear infections due to their Eustachian tubes becoming more easily blocked. Ear infections, also called acute middle ear infections, can be caused by a […]
What Is Otitis Media?
About Otitis Media Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear. Specifically, the middle ear is the area between the inner ear and the tympanic membrane. Middle ear infection is one of the most common causes of an earache. This type of infection can be either acute or chronic, and sometimes, the ear drum ruptures, […]
What Causes Bell’s Palsy?
Bell’s Palsy Bell’s palsy is the paralysis or weakening of the facial muscles, most commonly affecting one side of the face. Facial nerve damage causes one side of the face to droop, and may also cause the affected person to lose their sense of taste in addition to other symptoms. In most cases, Bell’s palsy […]
Do I Have a Facial Nerve Problem?
Facial Nerve Function Your facial nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves in your body, and is the nerve responsible for controlling facial expressions and conveying taste sensations that come from the front portion of the tongue. If you are experiencing problems with your facial nerve, you may notice symptoms such as twitching, weakness or […]
How the Ear Works
About The Ear Like all our senses many people take hearing for granted until it’s suddenly taken away. The ear is a well-oiled, or waxed, machine and it not only affects a person’s sense of hearing, but can also affect their sense of balance. This is why vertigo or dizziness can occur when a person […]
Common Causes of Blocked Ears
Causes of Blocked Ears Do your ears feel plugged or muffled? Blocked ears can be caused by a number of different things, which is why it is so important to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor or an ENT specialist if you are experiencing chronic symptoms. Most of us know what it feels like […]
Care for Your Ears
An ENT Clinic Can Help You Care for Your Ears If you’ve ever been chastised by your primary physician to stop using cotton swabs to clean your ear you may be wondering how you should be caring for your ears instead. While many doctors will tell you to never put anything inside your ear they […]